Sunday, 29 November 2009

This weeks photo - 20+1!

Halfway there and here is this weeks photo! Feeling such a close bond and connection with my ever growing baby and bump! :D

What happened this week:

Rate of growth is now slowing down a little. Your baby receives nutrients 1-2 hours after you eat. 18 weeks' gestation 20 weeks from your LMP Foetus length: 16cm crown to rump (25cm or 9¾ inches head to toe).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well look at YOU! What a lovely baby bump! My goodness it's SO gratifying to see you grow after all you went through to get here. You really did always remain positive though - every month! I remember! I was there as well... You look gorgeous and I am so happy to see that baby growing nicely in there! *HUGE hugs* XXX