Saturday, 18 April 2009

LH Surge, ovulation spotting, Mittelschmerz and so forth...

And in that order!...Well I *think and *hope that this is what I have been experiencing the past 24 hours and that means that I am/have ovulated!

The story so far...

Yesterday morning I woke up and had an unusually low temp - 36.6... (pre O-dip?)
(that night) Last night I got into the bath. I figured since I was cleaning myself, I could then check my cervical fluid. EWCM - with a little tiny reddish-brown streak in it. Hmm...(gearing to O?)...
But its 'early' for me. CD14. 'Normal' O for most people - but having a longer cycle than 'normal', I usually O around CD18-CD24. However, two cycles ago when I was on maca - I strangly O'd CD13 which is WAY early for me! I will admit to being on Agnus Castus (Vitex) this cycle round - which could be the cause of early ovulation for me (if I am indeed ovulating early).
I got out of the bath and had to use the toilet. TMI coming... I did a pee and a poo and when I wiped (dabbed really - the vagina area first - mostly because I wanted to see/check my cervical fluid which can be pushed down and easily seen on white toilet paper after a bowel movement - just info for those that don't fancy having a finger dig haha)...There was blood!...Well, it was clearly blood (what else could it be?!) but it was pinkish rather than red. It looked like diluted blood. Not a lot - just a few wipes and then it was all gone. Another Oing sign?
Well this morning - no huge temp rise. Did I No more 'blood' either though a few more brownish streaks amongst my cervical fluid. So perhaps the 'blood' was caused by LH surge meaning that O was going to happen soon...gearing up to go... (and not O itself?)...
And I have also had some mittelschmerz throughout today as well. At least, I think thats what it is. It sort of feels like what my past implantation cramping feelings have been - just not as 'sharp' feeling and more dull feeling.
This is all new stuff for me despite TTC for as long as we have been now. I have had mid cycle bleeding before but it just so happened to be a month that we were skipping due to just having had a m/c and being advised to hold off for a month in order to get some tests underway - so I did not really pay attention to that cycle...
I wonder if I will see a temp rise tomorrow.... there is no way to know until then or the day after really... I think I have O'd early but I should not be thinking about stuff like this at all! It is not good for my patience and stress which I am trying to keep chained up in the loft so I have them under control! hehe
My life seems full of sighs recently!

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