Sunday, 6 July 2008


Because you should not really paint whilst you are pregnant, I decided to get it out of the way now. Most woman experience 'nesting' when they are in their late stages of pregnancy but I experience it anytime I think about having a baby - a second child.
I will be keeping a written diary of our journey through TTC and Pregnancy as well as posting on this blog. I have one entry in my diary so far - so this blog entry is just a catch-up entry: ~20th June 2008 ~
Today is Friday. I decided to start a 'Pregnancy Diary'. This is because today I started painting our bedroom - a lovely soft green colou by 'Dulux' called 'Soft Apple' (in matt of course). So I will be writing this diary to you - our future second child who will one day be a part of this family and when you are, you will have me - your mummy and your Daddy as well, and most important of all - your brother Duncan who was born a few years ago on the 19th September 2005. I am looking foward to our journey together!

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