Saturday, 30 August 2008

2WW again!...

And this time, I actually and feeling a bit more patient. I don't want to get my hopes up like last time so even at the moment I am not feeling very hopeful. I am trying to stay positive though.
My cycle however is all over the place. First FF predicted that I had ovulated on CD 13 which is so much earlier than I normally ovulate (that being between CD 20-24). However, I am on the vitamin B complex now which could have a lot to answer for. But then my temperature dropped again. It is not back up so FF has just changed their predictions, now predicting that I O'd on CD 17 instead. Still quite earlier than I normally O!... I am not sure if this Vit B complex is a good thing or not yet! hehe...If it is making my cycles shorter, I guess thats a good thing as it means less waiting around! hehe
We shall see! ...Maybe this will be the cycle I get my BFP!...
Still unsure about when I want to test though as I don't want to jump too soon but I do have seven pregnancy tests lined up so I can afford to be a bit impatient ;)! hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fine......