Friday, 28 November 2008


Well I got my blood tests done today. The lady was really nice about it and understanding (that I do not do well with needles). She let me lay down and kept me talking and used the blood pressure thing on my arm that made it go numb so I couldn't feel anything - which was nice.
I will now have to wait 10 days until I get the here is to waiting!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Appointment made .

Well - I have finally started my period! A new cycle! I was wondering when it would happen as I have been having spotting for about a week now...which is unusual for me. Though all in all, my cycle has not changed much despite past occurances.
So my appointment is for Friday morning. I am not looking forward to it, only because I do no do well with needles. I am faint just thinking about it. So some bach flower remedies for me and I think I will also bring some music I can listen to on headphones so I can keep my mind occupied on other things.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Taking a Break

I never understood how anyone could actually 'take a break' from TTC - But I understand it now. We obviously have to wait at the moment because I have to wait until I get a period so that I can schedule those blood tests that have to be done on a certain day of my cycle (day 3-5 roughly). I do not see this happening until beginning/mid December. I am only now just having some ewcm - so I do not think I have ovulated yet. I have not temped at all since the miscarriage. If you could call this a 'cycle', I am on CD 16. So I will not ovulate much later than normal. If the blood tests come back in time, and nothing shows up out of the ordinary, we could technically try this December. It was the original plan at the beginning of the year. But, as much as I would love another Virgo (Duncan and I both being wonderful Virgos ourselves), I am not sure how I feel about having another September (or near that time) birthday - really for the sake of Duncan (having his own birthday month and all, if you know what I mean). Duncan and I are also having some struggle at the moment as well. I guess it is never 'easy' no matter what age your child is, but this is something a bit deeper I would like for us to work on at the moment.
So...we are waiting which will eventually end up being us taking a break. How long for, I do not know right now. I guess I am just taking every day a day at a time. However, we will not be using any protection if the mood arises from December onwards, so if we fall lucky then I will be very blessed and thankful (no matter when my baby is due to be born!).